Medallion Time - School Awards

My wife is one of the co-sponsors of her schools Battle of the Books team, and yesterday was the competition.

The great news, they won, so last night my wife asked when was I going to make individual awards to give to the children. :grinning: Last year I used one of my fff printers and made them little awards, but this year I decided it was :glowforge: time.

Their school name is Oak, so it was only appropriate to utilize some red oak :proofgrade: that arrived Friday night and I already had the keyrings for the upcoming teacher appreciation tokens.

Close up

The whole batch


Those are great! :grinning:

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The kids will flip over these!

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They turned out beautiful on oak!

Those are great!

Those look great! Does the red oak naturally burn that dark? Or did you darken the engraving?

Don’t know if it will everytime, but that was straight out of the machine.