We got my boss one of those ~20" mini fake Yule trees, and we thought a fireplace to go with it would complete the scene, so: fireplace
It’s 8.25" x 6" x 1" with the base extending an extra 1/2" all around
AWESOME! Just need some stockings!
Is that a 3D engrave onto the surface of the stones?
How did you clean it up so well? I’ve never had engraved wood look so “clean”, even scrubbing with alcohol and a brush…
That’s straight out of the laser, no masking - it’s a BB ply I got off Amazon
It’s adorable! Where’s the tree? We need it for scale.
I really dig this!!!
At work on Monday. I’ll update the picture then
Really nice, I love this!
I am standing here beside myself!
This is SO well done…I love it. And, not just your average looking, boxy style of fireplace. So cute!
Love, love, love!
A workmate of mine when we gave the boss the original up above reached out asking if there was any chance of a duplicate. As I still had material on hand, I said yes
Of course it’s not an exact duplicate because what would the fun be in that? I’m really proud of the lit fire in this one. I split the single cut/score in the design into multiple layers and cut them each out of different colours, and then cut a hole in the back to insert a tiny battery powered light (the style designed to drop into a glass). Really happy with the look!
Top view and bottom view
I am amazed at how realistic the fire looks. Very impressive .
This is great! You’ve even got smoke stains above the fireplace. Well done!