Misaligned prints

How far off is it?

If the tolerance is +/- 0.25" that must reduce the working area by 1/2" on each axis to avoid hitting the end stops.

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Current working area is 19"x11" and physical travel limits are 20"x13".


Very interesting. I have never seen anybody state the physical limits before. I wonder why they lose 2" in Y and only promise 11.5". What stops it being 12" with still an inch of clearance? Is it simply the camera can’t see that far?

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Not sure, but it’s probably for decelerating the higher mass of the gantry plus the head and laser tube along the Y axis.

I’m not sure what the actual physical stop at the back of the unit is, but at the front, it’s the case of the GF itself. When the head is at the full left or right position on the gantry, it will contact the inside face of the lid/door jambs. When the head is positioned along the width of the gantry it can come further forward about 1/4" and smack the lower door. Open the lower door and the gantry comes even further forward til the head is about 3/4" beyond the inside face of the lid/door jambs, this is where it stops rolling on the rails.


They come to a complete stop at corners when cutting and scoring so I can’t see why you need extra space to decelerate. When you change the acceleration on a 3D printer it doesn’t affect the printable area.

The only time it overshoots to decelerate is when raster engraving horizontally, where the size reduces even further, but that should only be the X size.

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I’d say it’s about a 1/8th difference on the X, perhaps a little more than a 1/16 on the Y judging by the number of clicks required to get back to center. It took me 10 Y and 16 X to get to where the image printed.

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It looks like yours is also fairly consistent. Have you tried the method that @cynd11 shared here? This is what has helped me. I’m planning on doing a larger amount of prints in one go in the comings days, and this method has made me far more comfortable with that plan.

A way to improve object placement


Make sure you note the zoom level you went to when you recorded the arrow key clicks. I don’t think it would be the same number at 500% as it is at 450% for instance.

I’m so glad this has helped you! You are my first success case (not really sure anybody else has tried it).


The tick-length is proportional to the magnification level. In other words, a tick at 500% is smaller than a tick at 100%.


Could be for extra data for head camera alignment when the passthrough features get activated.

Or just because having a little extra wiggle room to work with is easier.

Or maybe there’s a possibility of the Y-axis working size being enlarged.

Or maybe no reason at all.

Maybe the FNG designed it and the managers let it fly since it met or exceeded spec and didn’t create headaches elsewhere.


One one hope not as it is a massive disadvantage not being able to use all of a sheet of PG.

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