Missing Engrave lines

Hi Glowforge lovely community.

Does anyone have any idea of why certain engraves on my GF have suddenly started skipping lines? I’ve had 3 GF’s over the years and never experienced this.

Have removed head and cleaned all lenses/mirrors, which helped a little (see the right hand car in comparison images) but it still skipped a few lines.

LPI is only 105 but I’ve engraved on this setting with other things and they have been fine. In the same job there was another engrave and that was ok, so seems to happen randomly.

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My suggestion is to print the Gift of Good Measure with Proofgrade settings. If the engraves are as expected, then the problem you are having is either with the file, your settings, or both. If the Gift of Good Measure does not engrave as it should, post the photo here.


If the gift of good measure works out, I’d guess it’s the plywood. The engrave looks like it went through the top layer (the pretty layer) of the wood.

I feel like I’ve had something similar happen when engraving the birch plywood i got from home depot or something, where the inner layer was just some cheap type of underlayment or something and didn’t engrave evenly because of it.

But, i could be totally wrong. I have no idea where you got your wood, but once i switched to baltic birch, and adjusted my settings not to go too deep, i didn’t have those issues any more.


Thanks, it’s not a plywood core but MDF (draft board) with a Walnut veneer. I’ve used this wood for years and it’s good quality and never had this issue before on these settings. The lines are actually raised, so it’s as if the laser hasn’t activated during that line pass.


What happened when you printed the Gift of Good Measure?


Hi, haven’t had the chance to try yet, will be back at work on Monday so can attempt it then.

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