Moleskin Notebook Cover Template

I am wanting to make moleskin leather covers. Does anyone have or know where I can get a template to cut the leather on the glowforge? I apologize if this has already been asked. I searched the forum and some FB groups and could not find a plain moleskin template.

I think many have been avoiding them because it’s unclear whether they contain hazardous chemicals.

I have read that the actual moleskin cover is not safe to engrave but I was wanting to make my own cover. The cover was seen on the Glowforge video and @dan posted awhile back ago a cover he made and embossed.

You’re looking for a template for a notebook cover. (I think that would need to be worked up individually for the particular notebook size, and I haven’t seen one either yet.)

The closest I’ve seen so far is a template for Field Notes — would possibly also work as-is for pocket-sized Cahiers or give you a starting point for other sizes.


@dan when will this design be available in the catalog?