
For a split second, I thought you had 2 Glowforges and I was confused. Then it hit me. :upside_down:

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Ive posted a few image engraves on here. Did you see the bioshock/stranger things thread?

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Apologies, I don’t follow?

Pretty sure the question is: ‘Not using the “3D engrave” option on the cut/3D engrave/engrave/score menu, could we achieve the same results by choosing manual engrave instead.’

@takitus explained my question. Basically, I’m wondering if we can manually do 3D engraves in case GF has trouble automating the process. In order to do that we have to have access to all the parameters and settings that the GF 3D engrave has access to. For example if the GF 3D engrave feature can continuously vary the head speed during the engrave, that would be a feature that could not be duplicated by the user in a manual engrave.

I understand that manual 3D engraving wouldn’t be optimum compared to GF’s automatic 3D engrave.


You’ll be able to do 3D engraves in manual mode. (That’s the only way we do them right now!)

Will we someday cook up some clever material-specific tweak that’s encoded into Proofgrade settings but not exposed in manual mode? I have no idea, but I don’t expect so.


Thanks for that!