My DC Calendar

Haha. I see. Did I miss that on the original post? I know you can do gradients on the Glowforge, but I can never figure it out well enough to make it work.

No, it’s not obvious unless you visit his web site.

Gradients can be tricky, especially if you take an existing B&W/Vector design and try to bevel the edges.

This particular design lends itself nicely to sharp edged laser engraves, however. Laser bevels are not clean like CNC.

Can someone send me or post the svg file, the website says it might be hacked and I don’t want to risk it.

It says the SSL certificate is expired. There is no indication that the site is actually hacked. It’s not blacklisted for hosting malware on any of the major scanner lists (e.g., ). The site owner should fix that but, you can still load the page and, get the files.

A few months ago, your browser wouldn’t have shown you that dire-looking warning at all.

No one besides @kyle_emerick can provide you the files any other way.

P.S. – I emailed Kyle to let him know about the SSL cert.


The site is fine. As stated, the SSL certificate simply expired.

You can be certain by simply scanning any file you download with your updated antivirus app.

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thanks guys! Also thanks for the added knowledge, its not the first I’ve seen that type of warning.

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The site is fine, I just need to renew the certificate. Thank you all.


I updated my cert finally, website has been restored. Thank you all for the heads up!