My First 2 Months With My Unit

I have this exact problem! I started a Pinterest board while I was waiting, so I’d remember all the ideas I was having. It (and general Pinterest “laser cut” searches) helps keep me supplied with ideas.

I also keep a “sticky note” open on my desktop with a short list of projects I want to do ASAP, so that when I get a few minutes to play, I don’t forget (or get distracted by new ideas from the forum!) and waste time waffling between potential projects.


yup, seeing a person take FULL 100% advantage of something like this is magical.

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Curious there are two things in this gallery I don’t know what they are. 1 is the assembled thing that looks like a cup holder. 2 is the little white object with the circle in the middle that’s sitting on top of some text. Would love to know what i’m looking at. Awesome work on everything, you’ve really taken advantage of the machine and put me to shame.

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Binggggo!! Slips onto my headboard because I don’t have a nightstand.

Its a page holder for reading books one handed! Commision order.

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+1 to that! The app seems to have an annoying habit of periodically refreshing the page and sometimes, I lose my settings

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Great collection. Gave me some inspiration to work on cityscapes and other little things. Congrats!

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@JeremyNielsen, I am so happy for you. I have been waiting to see what you could do, knowing that the delay was quite the kicker in your plans. Great stuff. Thanks for sharing. Now I need to get back off my duff and start lasering at least some of the things.


Yeah, definitely had some set-backs, but things are looking up!!

Hey shoutout from Winnipeg!

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Well hello!!

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probably a silly question but were you able to eat the toast?