My Glowforge keeps pausing as soon I press the blue button

I have tried several times now to cut an SVG file. The interface says its ready, I push the blue button, the timer starts counting down and then it “Paused, press the button on your Glowforge to continue printing, or click cancel below to cancel”. Nothing happens when I press the button. Any help would be appreciated!

That is very strange. Is there any possibility that it’s something in the file? If you would upload a zipped copy here, I’d be glad to take a look at it. Or PM it if you don’t want to post it.

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You are waiting for a flashing button ON the Glowforge, and pressing that?

When the GFUI goes through it setup and says it is waiting for you to push the button , the button o the machine should be flashing. when you do that the cutting will begin and you should be there watching it carefully that everything proceeds. If at any time you need to hitting the button on the Machine again will pause the machine, and again will allow things to proceed.

You should have a wet rag handy that if a fire starts and continues after you have paused the machine you can lift the lid and apply the wet rag while will end the progress of the cut.

After several more attempts the the light turned amber and now the glowforge won’t home anymore. I reached out to support as this appears to be a quality issue.

Yeah, the amber light indicates they need to take a look at it. Is there any error message listed on the app?

No error message, the interface says ready most of the time. If it starts to run a job then it immediately says canceled.

Yep, they need to look at it. (And these things always happen on weekends, don’t they?) :neutral_face:

I’m so sorry you ran into trouble. I can see you already contacted us via email and chat, and we’re working on it there, so I’m going to close this thread. Thanks for letting us know about this.