"Name Snowflake" SVG Generator

In response to a request from @abishai2, I made this variation that lets you have a different name for each “branch” of the snowflake.

You put each name on a separate line in the names field. Here’s the Cuttle template:


YES on the Apple Pencil/touch input. That said, I did get a dongle to connect a mic, so I’m guessing that would work for a mouse on the iPad, too. Will have to check that out!
I’ve been a photographer for decades, have worked w/computer graphics since Mac Draw came out in the mid 80s. I’m finally transitioning away from my high speed heavy duty desktop computer (and a few gamer laptops I’ve owned) over to my iPad for most of my work. It’s been a bit of a transition, but a goal of mine so I can create more as we travel, on the go. The iPad Pro has really come a long way over the years!

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If you want pics, here’s one. You posted this tool precisely on the day my partner said she needed to make an ornament for a coworker. Worked perfectly and fast. THANKS!


YES, please :crazy_face:

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@tzwilliams Thanks for the picture!

@kmarkert88 @MrsxSmith Thanks for the feedback! We’ll work on iPad support. It will be a pretty hefty engineering effort but it’s on our roadmap.

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Great would love that

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