Went from this engraving.
in matters of one hour and 4 different cups each cup got lighter and lighter.
same setting please help. we just got the glowforge 1 month ago
in matters of one hour and 4 different cups each cup got lighter and lighter.
same setting please help. we just got the glowforge 1 month ago
Silicone is notoriously dirty to engrave. Did you clean your optics during this four hours?
not during. we been running the machine last few days no issues. it all started today.
before every new day of use I do a quick wipe on all lenses
Glowforge support does not monitor this forum, so if you want Glowforge to look at your logs and assess the performance of your machine you will need to submit a support ticket.
Glowforge support will not be able to evaluate your machine while it is being used on non Proofgrade material, so I suggest that you print the Gift of Good Measure on a Proofgrade material. If it prints correctly, the problem is not the Glowforge.
Have you also cleaned the mirror on the inside left and the window on the side of the print head? Scroll down to the section " Cleaning the cameras, laser lens, and windows" https://support.glowforge.com/hc/en-us/articles/360033633614-Cleaning-Your-Glowforge
thanks I did all that with support and the only thing they replied to me was that because its not their material. they can’t really help
yes i have i did it all with support and nothing
As I said, print the Gift of Good Measure on a Proofgrade material using Proofgrade settings.
Have you successfully engraved a pink cup like the one you posted above?
You can’t really compare two results from different cups.
yes numerous time. sorry should of mentioned that
As suggested, the ‘Gift of Good Measure’ is a known file the company uses to judge the machine’s operation. it uses all three of the laser’s operations - cut, score, and engrave. The results from that will tell if the machine is operating properly, or if the problem lies elsewhere.
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