Need testers: TabGen (Fusion 360 Plug-in) improvements

Chuckle! I haven’t had a chance to test the last half dozen or so yet, but the ones I’ve tested have been excellent for tab generation. (I do my own kerf adjusting, so not as interested in that aspect.)

Cool. I think ill give it ago with just doing an offset on one set of sides.

See if you can spot the difference in the next version.


Oh yeah!!!

Now I am wondering if I’ve spoted them all?

Awesome! I look forward to it

Oh wow, I was using the kerf adjustment in the cam tool, so I guess now don’t need to use cam if just adding kerf to the fingers but if have other features then set this to zero and use the kerf adjustment in the CAM stage

My personal view is that the CAM module is still a better place to manage kerf settings. I like keeping kerf separate from the actual model; especially for designs that may be cut multiple times with different material, where kerf may be slightly different.

But, not everyone uses the CAM module, so I wanted to support that use case as well.


Guilty, I keep saying I’ll start but the workflow I have is so easy that it is hard to buckle down and learn it.

There are 3 or 4 more features that I want to get into another release before the end of the week, if I can.

If you’re still looking for β testers, I’d love to try your plug-in. I’m an intermediate Fusion 360 user with 3 years experience.

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Just jump in, @jbpa is posting the links as they are published. 0.46 looks to be quite stable.

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Add kerf compensation, he said. It’ll be easy, he said. :scream:


:rofl: And you believed him?

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Considering the ‘him’ was me, yes. But, I should know better.

Kerf compensation is easy. Doing it programmatically, in a fully parametric way that’s not unnecessarily complex in F360, not so much.


Good luck! :smile:

Autdesk needs to pay you $$$ to add this to the core software :slight_smile:

It needs to be stable before that is even a consideration :slight_smile:

Especially since he was you :smile:

Engineers and software folks tend to be optimistic even in the face of reality. :wink:

I’m trying to be better but I still routinely deceive myself.

I’m a cyber security guy by profession. I shouldn’t trust anyone; including myself.


Want to get crazy with your kerf adjusted tabs?