New Glowforge, but only one of us can access it

i can appreciate what they’re trying to do in terms of simplicity and openness, but:

“Joseph has also granted you full access to this Glowforge printer, so you can return the favor and invite others to use it. Remember, they’ll be able to print to it invite other users as well, so be careful who you add.”

i still find that striking. i assume it’s probably mostly because it was easier for them to get this going this way and that they can add more granular permissions as time permits.

it’s not a concern for me because i don’t expect to need to share access very often, but still.


Do you get this screen (asking for a user account login):

Or does it take you to this screen?

The sole link in the email directs me towards with a UPN and a ton of variables included. That link 404s.

I tried which redirects me to the second _noglowforge URL in your second screen shot. From there, I can access settings, including printers associated with the account (which is empty).

Can you add Stormageddon from the “Add A Printer” button?

Looks to me that the DNS for is pointing to something that is either mis-configured or it is pointing to the wrong IP Address.

@Rita, @dan might need to look at the DNS for the IP address or the server that it hosted on.

That takes me through accepting the terms of service and then to the unboxing and wifi setup.

Bummer :face_with_raised_eyebrow:… I was hoping that it would give you the option to accept the invite @joe sent you.

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Thank you so much for the details. I’m looking into it now. As soon as I have more information I’ll update this thread.



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I just added myself (different email address) and it all worked. Followed the link, created my account, went to the App and was signed in as my new user. Could touch designs and seemed to be functional. I’m not at home so can’t go the whole route but I didn’t get any 404 or other issues.


Nobody likes a braggart. :wink:

I haven’t tried using a secondary email to create a new account. If their is an issue with associating existing accounts to another Glowforge, I think that should get pinned down. Regarding Joe’s initial post - I think the other user, who didn’t have a previous account, has been squared away. So perhaps some kind of permissions issue with an existing account that hasn’t received a unit yet?

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Probably. At least @Rita doesn’t need to worry that it’s entirely borked. They can focus on it being current user oriented.


So, when I got home from work this evening, I asked my wife to rescind my invitation then re-invite me, and it worked. I can access our Glowforge from my account now. :+1:


I’m glad it worked! I’m going to close this thread - if the problem reoccurs, go ahead and post a new topic. Thanks for letting us know about this!