New to cutting

I am cutting a box for the first time. I was using Proofgrade Draftboard and had to run the cut several times. It still didn’t cut completely on a couple edges. I also have burnt edges now. What did I do wrong and how do I clean up the project?

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The first thing to avoid. It is the dirtiest and hardest to cut of all standard materials.
#2 Which machine do you have? The Aura and Spark recommend not using it at all. There are other causes for similar errors from magnets, to crud in the carriage fan, to things that mess up the smooth flow of air from back to front, and crud on the window under the left side of the gantry, or left side of the head.


Can you share which Glowforge machine you have and your cut/engrave settings. Have you worked through the Glowforge tutorials?

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I have the GF plus. I used the settings set for the PG Draftboard. I think I have read all the tutorials.

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Proofgrade material is guaranteed to cut with Proofgrade settings. The tutorials are actual projects that you print to become acquainted with the interface. Your first print should be the Gift of Good Measure so that you can see what a good cut/score/engrave looks like using a proven file and Proofgrade material. I suggest this project and then share your results here if they aren’t perfect.


Here is the print. As you can see, it didn’t cut through.

The detail looks OK but the cut is not there.

Rick Breininger

There are several harbors seriously in need of tea right now…


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This is seriously out of focus. Can you confirm that the lens is inserted cup side up. Can you share the sidebar showing your cut settings?


I don’t know if the lens was in right as it fell out when I removed the head from the travel arm.

All I know for sure is that it works after cleaning the lens and mirrors.

Thanks for your help.

Rick Breininger

There are several harbors seriously in need of tea right now…



As noted above Draftboard is very dirty and can gum up the windows on the left side of gantry and head very quicckly. The cup side up is a frequent head scratcher issue as well. I can see from the smoke trails that the airflow is strong and straight to the front. When it is not, than can cause similar problems.


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