I am not only new to the hobby but I have no artistic ability. So why?? I needed something else in my life to make me crazy.
Ok, seriously I really want to be able to do this and I got stuck right off the bat. I want to understand how to engrave only the parts of the project that need to be engraved. Not really finding videos specific to this…I am sure that the issue is me though…
I guess the short story would be how do I engrave only the lines? If you are willing to share I would also like to know how to engrave the dark parts as well but the lines would at the least get me started.
You have a couple of choices, but in all cases it’ll depend on what art program you’re using.
For vectors (images that you can resize with no loss of detail): Inkscape.org is free - and what all the instructions refer to.
Adobe is incredibly powerful, but expensive unless you already have it.
There are literally dozens of others!
For rasters (standard photos - if you enlarge they get fuzzy/pixilated): GetPaint.net is free and my favourite.
GIMP is also free.
Adobe, once again, is really powerful but expensive.
There are literally dozens of others.
The basics of what you want to do in a vector is create black circles, then create white circles over them, resize them until they’re the phase you want, and then delete the white from the black. The joy of most vector programs is they have the ability to trace bitmaps so all you have to do is a little cleanup rather than creating from scratch.
The art you have should engrave exactly as you want, but you’ll need to erase the copyright marks. In a raster program you can change the brightness/contrast and use the eraser tool to remove the bits you don’t want.
Thank you for the quick reply, I am still searching YouTube, ugh.
I have GIMP (did not even try to use it for the laser stuff)
I downloaded InkScape and LightBurn which is the one I am trying first since it is a trial. I did see a “trace” option somewhere in the program and will try that. Do not want to do this from scratch
Will update the post once I figure it out! Thank you again…
Hi again,
Can you expand on this at all:
“The joy of most vector programs is they have the ability to trace bitmaps so all you have to do is a little cleanup rather than creating from scratch.”
I am having alot of difficulty finding videos that would help in my situation.
No worries if it difficult to put into text.
thank you…
The key thing to remember when making art for the Glowforge is that filled shapes are engraved, and lines are drawn as lines. If a line cuts through it is called a “cut” and if it just makes a mark, it is called a “score.”
This bitmap image, if fed to the laser directly, would just engrave all of the black.
It sounds like you want just the outlines engraved?
look at this shape…
What do you want the final product to be? Even if we consider just the outlines there is more than one want to render it.
Hi and thank you for the reply. I am looking to create the first image (under “look at this image” I want to replicate the image in my original post and I simply do not know how. In the software “LightBurn” I import the image then trace image and it gets rid of the shading. I am trying different methods, but once in the Glowforge “Create” “Upload SVG” it is all shaded.
Update… While typing and still messing around, I may have it will post back in a few minutes after centering… fingers crossed.
I want to understand how to engrave only the parts of the project that need to be engraved.
This is what I am struggling to understand.
I guess the short story would be how do I engrave only the lines?
The pics I posted were a couple of ways to interpret “only the lines.”
What you want to do is surely possible but I, at least, don’t yet understand what you are looking for. Maybe you can draw what you want the engraved output to be?
my apologies, I meant “look at this shape”. What I would like to have from the image I posted is the dark engraved and the lines (circles) scored if I am using the terms correctly.
I know the issue is my lack of experience with the editing software programs. I am sure once I understand them enough to pick one to use going forward I should be fine. Just thought I would put out a post in the event it is way easier than it seems as I have been scratching my head for hours trying t figure it out.
Basically, if possible I want an exact duplicate of the lunar cycle image:
To get the effect I think you want, you will need to play with the settings so there is good contrast between the scored lines and the engraved areas. Depending on the material you can make the engraved portion darker or lighter, and you can make the scores thinner or fatter if you play with focus.
I tried using the autotracer at https://www.autotracer.org/ but the output was not very good. For the very best image quality you may want to re-create this image from scratch in a vector art program. Since you are new, it will be a real pain in the neck, but you will learn a lot and to get the most out of your laser cutter, you’ll need to learn it eventually anyway. We’ve all been there and people here will help you learn how to do it.
Thank you again, yes I understand it is not going to be easy I have settled (so far) on LightBurn, it seems popular. if you have an opinion please feel free to share …
Have a great day!
Lightburn is the software that comes with a few other lasers. AFAIK it can export in formats that are useable in the Glowforge, but be sure if that before you get to deeply invested.
I provided you with a traced image in my initial reply, which is why I mentioned it. I have no idea if Lightburn can trace sadly.
Do youalso want scored circles, which will be very very thin, or do you not want the complete moons engraved, but instead only the shadows?
Using Lightburn sounds like needless extra steps. I would use any other vector design software (Illustrator, Affinity Designer, Inkscape, etc) and export to PDF.
What I have been doing so far is: bring into lightburn any image at this point and messing with all of the bells and whistles then exporting what I create to an SVG. Then in GlowForge uploading my own image to burn. At this point I am only using the material provided but want to learn my own settings at some point. With that said to answer your question related to the circles I am looking to recreate whatever it is I find interesting. I have no expectations yet just trying to familiarize myself with the whole laser creating hobby… I know that isn’t exactly helpful. I am really new to this…
Hi groovestranger, I haven’t purchased any software yet. I had no idea that lightburn would be extra steps.
“Using Lightburn sounds like needless extra steps. I would use any other vector design software (Illustrator, Affinity Designer, Inkscape, etc) and export to PDF.”
Didn’t get the chance to use the trial of glowforge it expired before I could start messing around.
I do have Inkscape and since lightburn was a trial like glowforge I will try inkscape next. They are all new sooooo
Glowforge Premium takes some tools that you would find in apps like Inkscape – like adding lettering – and puts them inside the Glowforge web app.
If you have something like Inkscape and learn how to use it, you don’t need the Glowforge Premium tools. (It does give you access to a lot of clip art too, though.)
Lightburn is like a fancy print driver for laser cutters, but it is not compatible with the Glowforge. Lightburn has some simple art tools and can put out SVG/PDF files that the Glowforge can use, but it is not meant to be full design software. If you buy Lightburn, most of the cool stuff that it does will be wasted as it is not meant to work with Glowforge.
To make art for your Glowforge, put your efforts into learning Inkscape, Illustrator, Affinity Designer, or other full-featured vector design software which can export PDF or SVG files. If you do that you won’t miss Glowforge Premium at all and you won’t need Lightburn either.
I agree, easiest is to just save as a pdf. Then it will engrave exactly as pictured! Welcome to the community!!
Also, when I started, I knew ABSOLUTELY nothing about lasers or how to create the artwork. I am by no means close to an expert, but slowly have learned so much (this community being so helpful) so don’t give up. I use mostly Inkscape (which I learned after purchasing my GF). I also have adobe but am so used to Inkscape that fits almost everything I need it’s been hard to make myself learn it.