Sorry if this exists and I just haven’t found it. In various threads there are references to the settings used for non-proofgrade materials, has anyone compiled those settings into a thread or document?
We just got our machine, so definitely excited to explore lots of different materials, I’ll try to keep such a document and if useful will share.
Settings are discussed in the Beyond the Manual Category. A quick search with the name of the material and the word “settings” will usually pull up the information if it is available.
Thanks Jules, I’ll look around that sub-forum for some examples.
eflyguy- Agreed, a central place would be a great resource. I need to do more testing before I contribute anything, but will try to document it and perhaps create such a GoogleDoc.
Actually, more likely it will pull up numerous threads, 99% of which will not have the settings, or which will have settings for the PRU. It will be a long and frustrating search either way.
We really need our own Wiki, separate from this site.
I think at least three or four people have started central repositories for settings. As far as I know none of them have really caught on. Most people just make a new post in the #beyond-the-manual category.
If you are as rabid about this machine as I am, it won’t take long for you to begin to get a ‘feel’ for where to start, and since you should test before you commit your plan to material - instead of spending the time searching for a starting place - I just begin the tests.
I am happy to contribute, will even chip in some of my time to edit/moderate, but I am not funding a wiki. Ther were a couple of folks who volunteered already to do that, though, but so far nothing has been released.
That’s an approach I’m taking with various types of exotic hardwood I picked up at Rockler… going to set up a standard design that I can run on a small piece of any material, similar to the engraving test that was shared here recently.
I want to create some detailed, multicolor inlays.