When I cut a design on proofgrade material I have to almost always play around with the settings so that the laser will actually cut all the way through. My husband usually uses the machine and we have had it for a year or so. We have cleaned it multiple times. This is very frustrating because I am wasting material. I have tried smaller tests that have worked but then when I use those same settings on the actual design it doesn’t cut through and /or it burns everything or most of it. It sometimes even melts the tape if I haven’t removed it. Also randomly it will do two passed even if it is not set to do that. Is there something I need to specifically look at or what should I do?
Your best bet is to contact support. Someone will correct me if I am wrong but I believe the company guarantees their proofgrade material will work with the proofgrade settings.
That is correct, and if it’s deemed the machine is not functioning as designed, they will replace it (within warranty period)
If all of your optics and fans are clean and the material is held flat to the honeycomb, the Proofgrade settings should work. If the optics or fans are not clean, the settings may not work. As others have stated, contact support for assistance.
Thank you. I will look into that.
Thank you.
This usually means you have two copies of the the line stacked on top of each other. You can investigate that in your design software.
Thank you.
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