Not engraving on Sports Medals

I have a sports medal that seems to have some sort of clear finish on it and my glowforge is not engraving on it. I’ve ran the same settings 3 times and still nothing. Has anyone else had any issues like this? How do you fix it?

The Glowforge can not engrave on metal. It can remove anodization, or set marking products like cermark.


Also, it’s best not to cut/engrave anything you can’t identify to avoid damaging your GF (or worse, your lungs).


Welcome to the forum.

You will find lots of helpful people here, and a many years of shared knowledge. As others have said, CO2 lasers cannot engrave metal and some material are dangerous to cut in a laser. Please be sure to read the Glowforge manual and come back here for help whenever you need it.


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