Not lasering

Hi and help! I haven’t used my machine in 3 weeks and today I fired it up no issues. Set up my art, set focus and material settings etc. When I hit the button to start it sounds and acts like it wants to laser but the arm moves extremely slow like almost not at all and no lasering is actually happening. Clock is counting down too. No warnings of any kind. Arm moves perfectly fine with setting focus and turning on the machine for the homing process. But when I hit the start button nothing. So weird and never had an issue the machine is 2.5 yrs old!

So I shut it off, cleaned cameras lenses and head and tried again. Nothing. I’ve done this 8 times and gave up and put a help ticket in. Has anyone experienced this?

Are you noticing this occurring on all designs? Reaching out to support will be a good next step so they can review the printer’s log files to confirm what is causing this.

Support can be reached by email at Phone support is also available Monday - Friday 8am - 3pm and Saturday – Sundy from 10am to 3PM PST at +1-855-338-2122.

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yes for all nothing will laser… ugh

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would it be my tube???

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ok so i just changed materials loaded a new project and now it works
i was trying to laser on cardstock and it wasn’t working - would cardstock be the issue???

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Thank you for the updates. Since we are troubleshooting remotely, it can be harder to identify this as an issue with the laser or the material used. It could be a combination of causes with the material and settings used, but support will be able to review the printer’s log files to review and compare the failed print attempts versus the successful prints.

When you reach out, I would include the serial number from the back of the printer and the dates and times of the prints.

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