Not looking good for us at all

Yea but they are not asking for the full value of there product. I just
feel Dan just making people feel they were getting a product in December
just to tell them no the date is change.

I guess so what’s the next date

It’s been stated:

Depending on your order date, your Glowforge will arrive between March and August.

As has already been mentioned in the numerous threads that have drawn out the same group of whiners on this forum, any mention of dates from Glowforge have always been followed by “if all goes well.”

I did not purchase a Glowforge based on a promised (loose) delivery date. I bought it for the feature set and the ease of use promoted in the video that no other laser manufacturer is offering. That is the machine I want. I dont want something that I have to tweak and fuss over constantly to keep it running smoothly. I already spend my days at work translating drawings into files to be ran on CNC equipment using the equipment manufacturer’s lousy proprietary software. This process takes hours sometimes, and that’s after I already spent hours producing construction drawings for the shop floor in the first place. I dont need that intermediate step in my home/hobby life too and Glowforge is the only laser product to offer that and at a good price.

If I needed guarantee of delivery by a set date, I would have bought a machine that’s already commercially available. Of course they would not have the feature set, so this would happen only if that date was the most important feature. Since it obviously is not that important to me, I’m cool with waiting.

I also have $$$ tied up in an Origin Shaper handheld CNC Router. They’ve had multiple demos on Tested, multiple design iterations already, and they’re still saying they’re a year out from shipping. The features (not needing a 5’x10’ machine taking up space full time) are what has the value to me. Yeah it’s tough waiting that long but I have plenty of things going on to keep me occupied and not obsessing over it.


Man I’ve been following the shaper since they went public. Want one so bad.

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Not really sure I get the anger towards people who were expecting to have a laser delivered when they were told it would be delivered. You might not care when it arrives, but there are definitely those of us out here who took them at their word and have had to make due with lesser means until the GF actually arrives.

I know there are some folks who have been a bit less than friendly in their posts about the delay, but the attitude that those of us expecting to receive what we paid for when it was promised as whiners doesnt make this a more pleasant place to be. People have a reason to be upset. Just because you dont care when you get yours is no reason to belittle others for not having that luxury.


Same here. I hmmm’d and haaaww’d about it, then I saw how quickly the first two tiers sold out and decided to jump. :slight_smile: Again, full refunds are available any time so no loss, no problem. I’m still on the fence about having what is basically a mobile computer with a touchscreen in my garage shop setting, a very rough and tumble environment, lots of abrasive (and electrically conductive) dust from carbon fiber! Hopefully they make the case nice and tough and the touchscreen scratch-proof.

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You totally just reminded me of that, and since Time = Money, they are gonna wanna push this soon…to offer us an additional credit that accrues monthly on top of the wait suddenly made me feel a little bit better. I am sure they do not anticipate having to let THAT rack up over TOO much time. I actually see a pin sized beam of light!!!


Correct. As I recall, they offered us $20 per month. And we know they have over 10,000 orders.

So, that alone is costing the company $200,000 per month. They cannot afford to be another 2 years in the making (a completely unrealistic randomly long time period I pulled out of nowhere to serve as illustration)

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I was asked directly if I would still order a GF if a two year leadtime was known up front, and I was responding directly to that question. I apologize, I did not hit the correct “Reply” button so it was clear it was a direct reply to that person.

No anger towards anyone, never said people can’t complain or voice their concerns. I’m just venting off frustration about the complaints, thus making myself one of them. But nothing that anyone says here is going to change the situation.

Actually – if you want to see what you were told about actual delivery – go back and read the agreement you “signed” when you bought your GF. Then read it again. If you are still unhappy and feel somehow you did not know after signing that agreement that you weren’t told sufficiently what you could expect and that the delivery date is always tentative – put in for your full refund and wait until the GF is readily available on the market to buy it.

Putting out a product that is ready and therefore may take a bit more time is far preferable to one being rushed to market and then it breaks or catches on fire or falls from the sky when it is supposed to fly.

I have a tablet I love, but failure to get the power supply right has meant I have had to have it replaced 3 times on the manufacturer’s dime with all the downtime that entails. Just sayin’…