Off Topic -- For those of us who like the unusual

I missed a lot, I can tell. :smile:

Robin Williams was a one off, greatly missed.
This always leaves me in an emotional state.


RWhen a celebrity passes I seldom get emotional, I didn’t really know them after all (sad for their family and friends of course). But with Robin I mourned like I lost a close family member. He and Fozzy bear are probably most to blame for my twisted sense of humor :smile:


The Flying Sub is still my favorite design of all time for futuristic craft :relaxed:


I had a Revel(?) model of it in the late 60s. Top center opened up to reveal detailed interior.

It’s clear that Allen’s design influenced his Spindrift from Land of the Giants…

I think he was also involved in the Proteus design from Fantastic Journey…


Cool! I had the Spindrift (and the Seaview and the Flying Sub) but I never had the Proteus. I miss those incredible days of Aurora and Revel model kits…

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That was great!

There was one that I remember from when I was 4 and lived in france, called Les Mondes Engloutis.
Wikipedia says it was broadcast in the US on Nickelodeon, wonder if anyone else here remembers it.

Wow, hearing the theme song for the first time in over 30 years is amazing to me.

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It is. Amazes me how comfortable he was with her, and she with him. He was a wonderful communicator.

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I certainly remember shows from earlier in my life but one memory that stands out is from when I must have been around 5yrs old. I was playing out in the snow in front of the house. It would have been later in the winter because I remember I was playing on the snow pile in front of the house which by then was probably 6-7 ft high. Probably digging tunnels through it.
I don’t even remember watching this show much but I looked in through the living room window and saw The Impossibles on and just had to go in watch it.


That amazingly powerful animal pulling him in for a hug.
They were both ideal ambassadors​ for their species!
‘Dumb animals’ I Question that assessment.

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Uh oh Jungo! It’s Danger Island next!

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Fantastic Voyage. :slight_smile:

All beautiful ship designs.

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This is the version I remember…


The 80’s Sesame Street, when it was good quality. I loved the run through of all the pinball numbers previous in this discussion.
Mister Rogers, naturally.
Today’s Special which was on my PBS station. (I could sing the opening word for word still) and previous to that out of Canada was the polka-dot door.
My parents watched MASH and Star Trek reruns. Mom watched Cagney and Lacey.
My go-to when there’s nothing on is still M