When I was young, I remember having a stage coach lamp in a Western themed bedroom. That was the inspiration for this design. This picture here is actually a thin draft board prototype. The pattern was actually designed for .22 thickness. Now somewhat happy with the design, I’ll use thick draft board and maybe clear acrylic then add some thin chain with maybe a swath of leather for the seat.
Looks very delicate. Are those tiny axles the only brace for the wheels?
I love all the detail in it.
This looks great!!!
The wheels on the 1/8 draft board weren’t enough, so I added four 1/4 x 1/4 rods. Unless it’s at eye level, they seem to blend in well. A clear acrylic support to a base could also be considered.
Thank you.
That is remarkable! Fantastic job.
Looks great
You nailed the design! Great job! Love all the little details. Looking forward to your finished one.
Thank you so much !
Much appreciated.
Very kind of you, The clear acrylic has been cut and is in assembly. Will post pics soon.
Sweet may not really be the appropriate word for this, but it conjures childhood…and is therefore sweet. I love it.
Thanks for your “sweet” response Xabbess. Kinda cool that a glowforge can take us back-in-the-day
What fun! Fantastic work!
Great project! Thanks for sharing that, be sure to show us all the finished piece!
Imagine having to travel cross-country in one of those. A step above riding a horse, but they had nothing to compare it to - then, the railroad. Smooth and fast, it must have been like stepping into another world.
Nice project! I remember my Mom doing a kit with a covered wagon. It was really cool. Nice memory.
Now you have to make the Conestoga Wagon or Prarie Schooner lamp to go with it!
I like how you made some of the tabs part of the design features. Great job!
Thanks, it’s still WIP. Clear acrylic model coming soon. Plan to add stairs, breaks, tree, luggage rack, shades, and box for the back.
Thanks zig-zag man The suspension on the real coaches were leather straps supporting the carriage, and no dramamine. Hope to have the clear acrylic model posted soon.