On my 3rd Glowforge in need of HELP!

I am writing here because I can’t seem to get a human to call me.
My first Glowforge received in November 2021 worked for a while then would not cut through proofgrade material in the corners. I asked for support, did all they wanted and got sent a replacement. That machine did the exact same thing and more. It would not recognize proofgrade material that did not have the bar code on it. Then it stopped recognizing the bard codes all together. By now I purchased the extended warranty, have used the first AND second Glowforge less than 30 hours. I haven’t used either enough to even go through the first box of proofgrade material that came with my first machine! The error message (Does not recognize proofgrade material ) also says ( Do Not Print or it will void your warranty !) By the time I asked for support for the second machine and did all they asked, they sent me a THIRD machine. Only this time it’s not the new machine I originally ordered, it’s Well Used! bits on the inside, finger prints on the lens and mirror, the front seal is cut through and broken glass inside!
Mind you, the first and second machines were NOT warranty requested work but non -functioning (improperly working ) machines that I requested replacement for.

HELP! I can’t even get a human to call me to ask what I did or what I need to do for them to help me. I get emails and emails and emails asking me to repeat yet again, what I did for the first 2 machines.

Glowforge support does not interact with the forum. Your options are email or phone.

I assume you mean it did have a QR code?

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