Orange light at startup

Hello all, was using my machine for around an hour we lost power and now I turn the unit on fan runs shuts off and the button turns orange. I’ve checked the ribbon cable my room temp is a constant 62 degrees, I unplugged the unit for an hour and a half set the head to the center and same thing and no error messages on GFUI please help!!!

Are you sure that your router came back up after the power outage? You might try reconnecting your GF to wifi.

Orange indicates a general error with something.

However, I’ve only seen it 1) temp-related issues, or 2) the white ribbon cable that’s connected to the printer head being damaged or not properly connected (as in, it came loose).

I would check #2 again.

I suspect a low temperature issue. Can you increase the temperature in that room?

Not to alarm you, but my machine was doing the same thing. Turns out that it was the circuit board that the exhaust fan, white ribbon cable, and other things connects to. I first pulled my logs, which you can do by following this link

After looking at those, I had some people look into them, and they pointed out that there was an I2C error, which pointed me in the direction of the board. I have a second machine, so I swapped in the board from my second into the broken one and got it to work again like normal. I’m out of warranty so I feel comfortable working with the machine, but I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re under warranty.

I’m not saying that you have the exact same problem as I did, it could be something simple like room temp, or something entirely different than what my specific problem was. I mentioned mine due to your power outage happening, and then the machine getting the error, which means the machine could have underwent a surge, blowing something in the process. Support may ask you to remove the laser head and take pictures of where the cable connects to the head with the gold pins showing, as well as the end of the white cable itself.

Best of luck, I know the frustration involved in having your machine not working, especially when you’ve not done anything wrong.

thank you all I’ve checked the ribbon cable numerous times to no avail

thank you for the info I was able to download the log and it is saying driver error critical fault

increased room temp to 67 still nothing downloaded the logs and is showing a driver error critical fault

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Thank you for posting what troubleshooting steps you’ve already preformed. Unfortunately, after reviewing the logs from our end it looks like your unit is experiencing an issue that we can’t resolve remotely. I want you to have a reliable unit, so I’m recommending we replace this one. I just replied to your email to sort out the details. I’m so sorry about the bad news.