Painted Acrylic Material

Hello! This is only going to be my second project on my Glowforge and I simply want to make sure I’m going about the proper steps. I want to create painted acrylic material that is custom cut into a design I have done. My question is; am I able to paint the white acrylic material first, let it dry and then cut it in my Glowforge OR should I cut the shapes first and then cut after? I’m concerned about the paint giving off a different chemical and messing up the machine or my biggest fear (fire).

I would greatly appreciate any help!! :slight_smile:

I can’t speak for all paints but I have used acrylic based paints with no problems whatsoever.


You would need to check sections 2, 3, 5 and 8 of the SDS for the specific paint you’d like to use :slight_smile:


Also, be aware that adding layers of paint will probably affect your settings somewhat. I’d suggest a small test run to see if you need to make adjustments to speed or power.

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