Patience is a virtue, but I'm going nuts waiting

PG orders prior to the pandemic were taking close to a week to arrive to me in MA. Definitely a big range depending on your location.

Did you get the new smoking baby today? Just checking in to see if you are set to have a fun weekend?

UPS and USPS and FedEx are all overwhelmed. They are shipping far more than the holiday season. But they do not have the staff or equipment to process packages to typical standards. Our local UPS depot has trailers full packages just waiting for over a week to be scanned and processed. Even expedited shipping is affected. You can pay for that if you want but UPS is no longer offering any guarantees or refunds.

in other words they’ll happily take your $ but you’ll get it when you get it. :pouting_cat:


Exactly. I have had several discussions with our sales rep about the shaky ground they are standing on in taking that position.


Checking back in on @cmbtreasures to see how the delivery/unboxing process is going. Any updates to share with the forum folks? :slight_smile:


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