PDF showing cut instead of engrave...how can I remove it?

I have a pdf document which has numbers and a pattern on it, which is showing on the ‘create’ as red to cut and I can’t select the specific bit to tell the aura to ignore it or to engrave instead. How can I amend it so I can create my own pattern, number font. I’ve tried adapting the pdf and that won’t allow me to remove it either! help…PS i’ve very new to this but love the aura!

Welcome to the forum.

Any element in your design that can be cut can also be ignored. Depending on how the file was created, you may be able to select the part you need changed and ungroup the elements which would allow you to treat parts separately. If you cannot ungroup the parts in the interface, you may need to open the file in another program such as Inkscape or Adobe Illustrator to modify it.

If you could share a screenshot of what your interface looks like with your file, we might be able to be more specific in our help instructions.


Thank you…i couldn’t separate them so i contacted where i got it from and they were kind enough to send me a clean one


You can open the file in Inkscape and change the part that would want to be different to a different color. If it is all the same object then that is a different and more difficult problem

Awesome… thank you. The company sent me a ‘clean’ one but bound to encounter this again

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If you are not already knowing a system, Gimp and Inkscape are free and very powerful and compliment each other. They are well worth learning and there are Youtube and other instructions available across the web.

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Thank you

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Can I ask how to export to inkscape or Gimp? When I try to export, I get a warning that only the part I designed can be exported. Yet nothing exports, even though I have created part of it myself.

When you choose export you get the warning that manual settings won’t be saved, then you select continue and your file should be exported to your download folder. Have you checked that folder?


I have. The file is blank except a Glow forge copywrite on the bottom of the page

Can you take a picture of your GFUI - everything from the commands on the left to the name of you printer on the right - preferably exactly as it looks before you click download?

Also, if you’re willing to upload the blank you’re getting here I wonder if maybe the lines aren’t visible, but they’re there…


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