Over the holidays my Mom hosted our traditional family game night. It’s a bit of a competition with various games setup throughout the house for everyone to play and keep score. One of the games she pulled out was “Aces & Faces” using a board she made many years ago.
Well you might guess my first thought on seeing this old board!? Yep, I have a Glowforge and this board needs to be updated!
When I got home I researched the game a bit and found its common name is really “Pegs & Jokers” with many homemade examples shown online. Taking some ideas I saw I went about designing my own board from scratch and then forged it up using PG Think Plywood.
I used some PG Thin Acrylic I had on hand for the game pieces. Will likely update these at some point. The board can be easily reconfigured for more players (up to 6).
LOL I wondered about that timing. I was like “crap I never get to whip up anything like that, that quickly real life much to hard to dodge.”
I have a plunge router but probably would do the drill method myself. Heck Real life states that I must complete that last 4 power drops so that my shop is fully electrified. THEN I need to make the Table for Beamer.
I was going to go the drill method but then I used the GF to make the template (along with holes sized for a router template bushing) and found that so much easier to get the consistent spacing…
Awesome! I played this for the first time over the holidays and took a picture of the handmade board for future GF fodder. Your configurable masterpiece is so much better than the flip-it-over version my friends had!
I will definitely be customizing this as a gift for them.
I love the fact that it’s designed so you can have a various number of players. Using alternate colors of wood really sets it off as well. Thanks for the share. Awesome project.