Pegs & Jokers

Over the holidays my Mom hosted our traditional family game night. It’s a bit of a competition with various games setup throughout the house for everyone to play and keep score. One of the games she pulled out was “Aces & Faces” using a board she made many years ago.

Well you might guess my first thought on seeing this old board!? Yep, I have a Glowforge and this board needs to be updated!

When I got home I researched the game a bit and found its common name is really “Pegs & Jokers” with many homemade examples shown online. Taking some ideas I saw I went about designing my own board from scratch and then forged it up using PG Think Plywood.

I used some PG Thin Acrylic I had on hand for the game pieces. Will likely update these at some point. The board can be easily reconfigured for more players (up to 6).

It’s a fun party game. There are many sites with varying rules, here is one I just pulled up…

If you’d like to make your own board (please share a photo if you do) here is the design (minus the art)… (4.7 KB)

Next up, need to think about a box to hold everything!

Finally, game night would not be complete without a trophy! :wink:


That is really slick! Well done.

my family loves card games and board games.

AND we have a GLOWFORGE. So perhaps we need to make a party game.


Really nice! well done!

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Oh, I love this!

Thanks for sharing!


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Thanks for sharing this! I used the GF to cut out a template and a router to cut out the boards from thick hardwood


Uh, you did that in like an hour after his post?

Rockler, if my memory serves, a drill bit that would work for marbles in case anybody needed to know that.


No. I did that a long time ago… :slight_smile: You just need a round nose bit for the router (and a plunge router).


LOL I wondered about that timing. I was like “crap I never get to whip up anything like that, that quickly real life much to hard to dodge.”

I have a plunge router but probably would do the drill method myself. Heck Real life states that I must complete that last 4 power drops so that my shop is fully electrified. THEN I need to make the Table for Beamer.

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I was going to go the drill method but then I used the GF to make the template (along with holes sized for a router template bushing) and found that so much easier to get the consistent spacing…


Very cool! The configurability for multiple players is a very cool aspect.


That looks like fun! :grinning:

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So cool!! I love the trophy.


Very cool! Hmmmmmm, I may have to make a version where the holes are 3D engraved for marbles! :slight_smile:

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What a great looking remake and a lovely story too. Pegs and Jokers looks great! Thanks for sharing the file.


Fun family for sure. Thank you for the file.

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Clever thinking with the layout to go from 4 to 6 - i like it!


Awesome! I played this for the first time over the holidays and took a picture of the handmade board for future GF fodder. Your configurable masterpiece is so much better than the flip-it-over version my friends had!

I will definitely be customizing this as a gift for them.


I love the fact that it’s designed so you can have a various number of players. Using alternate colors of wood really sets it off as well. Thanks for the share. Awesome project.


In addition, the game is often played with partners opposite each other, so the wood colors and engraved symbols are used to match up partners.


You inspired me to create my own design with a nested box, gifted to my parents at Christmas. #necrogame