Pentagonal Hexecontahedron

I’m also super relieved that it made it in one piece with no tiles damaged!!!


Thank you to everyone who made this happen. What an amazing gift?! It gives me goosebumps in the best way possible!


!!! (Excessive, excited punctuation feels more adequate than words.)

This was the most lovely, special surprise. It’s incredible to work on a team with a truly incredible community around us. I’m so excited I said incredible twice.

Thank you to everyone involved - it really meant the world to us.


Yay! That was a perfect end to my rainy Thursday, loved watching y’all open it! Thanks again Mike, this was so fun, and I’m glad I got to be part of it!


Yay! That video made my month!


You said my name right!

So happy you guys enjoyed the project :heart: and thank you @pubultrastar for all your hard work pulling us together and assembling the entire project!

I hope you all enjoy it in person soon :blush:


We have the most amazing community!!! It was such a special unboxing event, and the reveal was magical!


I literally moved from Minnesota to Seattle to join this team. In my interview, I recall commenting (with embarrassingly wild hand gestures!) about how the idea of helping make a product that allows artists to make things I had not even imagined let alone had the skills to do myself drew me!

This. THIS shows that wonder and joy in spades. And hearts! Diamonds worth of hearts. Sorry, it has been a long day and I can’t work clubs into that in any sane way :slight_smile:

This. THIS is also such a joyful reminder of why I made this choice. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


This is absolutely incredible!

It is always amazing to see the wonderful things that are created using a product that I help support, but it is totally something else when multiple people get together and create something on said product and then send it to us.

You all have created something beautiful, and I cannot wait to see it in person. :sparkling_heart:


In the mean time, be sure to take a look at the link at the bottom of the original post. ( The “Additonal images can be found here” link.) I t will take you to a gallery with a complete set of larger pictures.

When you are in the gallery, click on any picture and it will go full screen and you can then easily scroll through them all at a large size.


Absolutely astounding, we have the best customers


Thank you


Absolutely epic. :metal: :exploding_head::metal:

:star_struck: :heart_eyes: :nerd_face: :sunglasses: :partying_face:


I think our collective hearts skipped a beat when Dan unveiled your gift. I know my jaw was on the floor.

I’m always inspired by the polyhedrons, mandalas, intricate inlays, mechanical instruments, and inventive creations you all share here. But this, this was on another level. The thoughtfulness, creativity, and collaborative heart that poured into this project is astounding. We are so lucky to have you all in our lives.


We were SO EXCITED to finally get this to you and couldn’t wait to see the reaction. I think it was even better than we expected! I loved seeing how surprised everyone was. It was really a privilege to be able to participate in making a small piece of this gift.

If you want a better view of the light-up panel, here’s a rambling behind-the-scenes video I made when I had just gotten it working and was too tired to speak coherently.


Seriously, who opens a box from the side??? You missed the stand, so here are a few pics.


Someone who doesn’t want the contents to go rolling across the floor :smiley:

Although, the stand is way cool. It makes me sad they won’t be able to see it in person for a while, but I love that they shared the video with us!


This was really great fun to watch. I loved the enthusiasm and the obvious genuine appreciation and wonder. Thank you again, Mike for coming up with this amazing project…it was a huge accomplishment and you completed it like a champ from its inception right down to the double bubbled boxes.


My biggest fear is that it would arrive in pieces or crushed. UPS Delivered!


I get it totally. I think I would have opened a box marked fragile like that from the side, too…I don’t trust my grip much anymore. Good job!


I found the stand! It’s spectacular. The whole thing is just amazing. It’s been a long week already, and this just reminds me why it’s all worth it. Words fail. Thank you.