Personal Account limits

@dan, Just wondering how these accounts of ours might evolve.
As time passes, the number of our files is going to grow substantially I would think.
Is there a storage limit anticipated? :raised_hand: Anyone else know?

As we get a bunch of files I am hoping there is an ability to save the projects in folders. I have been working with the Easel program on my CNC and every project is at the same level. If you have 100 projects, you have to sort through them a page at a time and hope your naming convention was clear enough to find what you were looking for. Not sorted in any way other than date and there is no filing system.

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Fusion360 does a good job of this. Individual folders, nestable, each with sharing priveleges assignable. Its fun to have a group folder where people can make things and drop them in.

@printolaser I cant imagine the file storage for this being anything massive. They are leveraging cloud services which scale infinitely in this manner, and the filesize for the things people will be uploading at this point will probably be fairly small in comparison to other sites out there like instagram where you are encouraged to spam.

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Yes, I’m fooling around with Fusion 360 to use. My comment was more about making sure that Glowforge create a good file structure for their user interface. That there are issues with how some online applications store and sort projects. edit: never mind, after rereading your comment I think you understood my original intent.


=). I MUCH prefer the fusion interface to the one by inventables. I havent fully divorced myself from easel yet though, I still send the gcode I generate in fusion through easel.

I recall reading a post from dan that after some time span of not being used your file would go away. However, while my memory is still good, it is not the trap it was twenty years ago. Combine that with rpegg responding twice without recalling that same “post” and it could just be another sign of my impending senility.

This does bring up a good point though. Software has had source control programs for decades. For those not in the know, if you check a file into source control it is permanently frozen - it cannot be altered. You work on that file some more and check it in again and now you have two permanently frozen versions. And so on and so on. In software this is handy - if your new code has a major bug in it you can just go get a pre-bug version. Or that module you deleted fifteen versions ago, but need now, you can just go get it. The same could be quite useful for designs. Source control software has all sorts of other features, like branching code for different versions/features, descriptions so you know what that version did, etc… However, all the programs I’ve worked with are aimed at developers. They are not friendly for a non-coder, plus they are meant to handle straight text files. While they do handle compiled files (like a Word document, Excel spreadsheet or picture file), it’s not really what they are meant for and sometimes it shows. I think a user friendly source control for non-software files may find a market. It would be a storage hog, but I keep hearing memory is cheap and more so in the cloud, so anyone out there feel free to take this idea and run with it.


Can’t remember anything about time limits on project files. But sometimes I just skim posts, keeping only the context way deep in memory. I’m usually able to remember some key words that allow easy retrieval via the search function. Certainly not a photographic memory. The closest thing I remember concerning storing designs was this:

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This is how fusion360 works. Every save is a new version so you have access to the full development history of the item. It’s been incredibly useful to me already.

I’m not sure how useful a feature this will be in glowforge world, I guess we’ll have to wait and see what the software is capable of.

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Thank you everyone!

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You should consider your hard drive and your backups as the canonical copy for search, storage, editing, etc. Since we don’t store the original, editable file (just the ready-to-print version), that’s the only way you’ll be able to fully edit it, and your operating system’s search and organizational tools will likely always be better than ours.