Personality Types

Looked up distribution for the global types. If the site I landed on can be trusted, then we have:

ISFJ - 13.8%
ESFJ - 12.3%
ISTJ - 11.6%
ISFP - 8.8%
ESTJ - 8.7%
ESFP - 8.5%
ENFP - 8.1%
ISTP - 5.4%
INFP - 4.4%
ESTP - 4.3%
INTP - 3.3%
ENTP - 3.2%
ENFJ - 2.5%
INTJ - 2.1%
ENTJ - 1.8%
INFJ - 1.5%

So the weighting is pretty heavily slanted.


Looks like I’m ENTP “The Debater”. I mostly agree. The only caveat is I am some times introverted in settings where I don’t know anyone.

Although my wife (INTP) is amazed at my ability to make small talk with just about anyone.




Infp here. But after a couple pages of reading it started to feel like a horoscope. I don’t agree with about 40% of its diagnosis.

I do plan on taking it a couple of times over the next week and see if it changes.

INFP here as well, same as it was when I took it 4 years ago.

I tested sometime back as INTP, though I adhere to the fake it till you make it in social situations. Parties/social situations with lots of unknowns aren’t fun, but can lead a discussion if I force myself to do so.

ISTJ here, which kinda makes sense, since I retired from a 33 year career as a research scientist. On the other hand, I have a quirky sense of humor. For instance, check out the only art hanging on my bathroom wall:

Does that fit?


Microbiologist? (I like that!) :sunglasses:

Should we that as ‘code’ to say that you have learned to become more cynical over the years. :wink:

Haha!! Same here!! It had been 7 years since I took one last and I assumed i had changed. Guess not!

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I got INFP-T, which I apparently share with William Shakespeare, J. R. R. Tolkien, Tom Hiddleston, Julia Roberts, Lisa Kudrow and Johnny Depp.

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I’m an “In your face New Yorker”, in all aspects; both in a loving way and in a no so loving way. I.E. When I like ya, I bear hug ya…when I don’t…well, it’s very clear as well…

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Thanks for the information. We share something in common. I also have a psychology degree and have given the Myers-Briggs to freshman college students. I have been surprised at some of the results and have concluded that while the test is good and has helped many people understand themselves better, it is only a thin measure of personality. Personality is dependent on so many variables that to assume it can be measured with any degree of success is a long shot. I like to compare personality and behavior to weather patterns (chaos theory). You try really hard to predict the weather, but only get it right some of the time. Personality and behavior are similar. Guess that explains why we can’t predict suicide or happiness with any success. Of course, these are just my views and I am open to discussion. I will make a prediction about the glowforge community, they are creative people with a developed sense of curiosity. It would be interesting to see how many introverts and extroverts are in the forum.


Really, I think it is the opposite. But, who knows. If you are close to the middle, depending on the day and situation, you could go either way.

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My ISTJ numbers were between 72% and 100%. I guess that supports people I know saying I don’t go at anything half speed, good or bad. :slight_smile:

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I was in the middle on a couple of the measures: 46/54 thinking/feeling and 57/43 extroverted/introverted.

And I think it is because often the questions asked me to choose between two things that I felt strongly about, but in the same way, so I had to choose the neutral box in the middle. Like, “Being organized is more important to you than being adaptable.” Both are equally essential to me, in different scenarios, so couldn’t say yes or no. That happened a lot in the test.


Couldn’t remember for sure but I thought I remembered being ISTJ, which the test confirmed. I definitely got a few personality traits from both parents, but my dad is also ISTJ and there are a lot of similarities in how we function.

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INTJ here. ‘The Architect’. I remember taking this years ago and was the same. Pretty accurate. Almost spooky accurate.
The quote on the page I got was funny.

“You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.” - Harlan Ellison



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I love Ellison. (Or I did back in my disaffected days of youth.) Man can flat write.

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