Personality Types

ESFJ: and yes, @jacobturner is the exact shadow of me, or I am his shadow, depending on how you look at it. It is fascinating to me that this personality indicator test still has so much traction. It really is the power of narrative to shape our existence. Jung (and Freud) represent that hinge point in the study of human behavior when the old narratives of ethnicity, nation and faith were still very powerful yet were breaking down. The individual became the focus, but it is still based on narrative and overarching themes rather than discrete neurological systems. How this all maps out to brain science and testable hypotheses is pretty sketchy, but it does allow management to more easily manage the chaos of human personalities and preferences. My experience was that it validated my preferences and helped me look at some of my shadow side issues a little more objectively.

I follow Venkatesh Rao at Ribbon Farm and he does a great job at analyzing narratives about personality, culture and business. He is one of the many things that make Seattle a kind of Mecca for me. Next time I visit, I do want to buy him coffee sometime and talk.There are so many issues that perplex me which he somehow manages to fit into a perceptual structure/narrative. I recommend anyone in business to just do a quick search of some issue that you are trying to wrangle. I would bet he has covered it.


ENTP and Meyers-Briggs skeptic. :wink:


ENTJ - the commander - haha okay

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I got INTP-A - The Logician. I agree with the personality description. It says:

INTPs pride themselves on their inventiveness and creativity, their unique perspective and vigorous intellect.

I must say, my intellect is pretty vigorous, and I do pride myself on that (and on my humbleness).