I made a simple picture hanger generator, it works well on wood panels. You can change the hole size, countersink and distance for the fasteners. I like to do a heavy engrave (900/full) on 1/8" birch plywood for the countersink. It’s made with two layers:
One minor downside (or feature) is that it is better to make a spacer to keep the picture parallel to the wall. One benefit of this is having the panel float a little bit off the wall which looks neat, another is that it gives you an excuse to put your logo on it :
I’ve seen a lot of hangers here including some I came up with and thought the subject was exhausted.
Well I was wrong, excellent design and execution, and I especially like the counter sinks.
Interesting! How thick is the wood panel? Most of what I use is too thin to hold a screw but could be quite strong with glue, especially if there is a shallow engrave to place it in.
If you go to this link: Picture hangers and scroll down past the instructions you’ll see the spot where you can make the changes, and there is a blue Download SVG button you can hit to get the file. No need to sign in or open an account, looks like this:
I mostly use 1/2" wood panels, but you are right, it doesn’t feel like it’s suitable for thinner stuff.
I was wondering if you could get away with mouting it to 1/4" panels but it’s very close with the screws it had at hand (1/2" and 1/4"):
I don’t think I would trust any of that I have drilled short holes for 1/8" or 3/32" magnets as box closures and had them held mechanically by wood glue, so I would trust a 1/4" bolt using the wood glue to hold the threads as it would twist out if you wanted to remove it at some point. but unless I expected to want to remove it I would just use wood glue from the start I think. Putting that much pressure near the upper surface is just daring the tip to peek out and mess up the artwork there.