Please update on pass through software support for the pro?

Purchased pro vs other model because of this feature. The feature seems to not exist. Description of it removed from your site. Last update that mentioned it was in September. Makes me think that you want it forgotten. However, the internet and I both remember.

So, what is the deal?

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As a rule, staff/dan don’t give updates on demand. Normally they give them when there is something worth talking about.

We know that they continue to work on placement including passthrough because a few months ago they introduced Snapmarks that is a derivative of that work.

Can I promiss that they will one day get everything worked out? No, no I can’t but we do know that they are working on it.

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As a rule, customers who pay for a feature that is not delivered, are within reason to ask the vendor about said feature. This has not been a kick starter for a long time.

Given that this is their preferred channel for customer contact, it stands that a customer with a question should use said channel to request an update.

Actually it was NEVER a Kickstarter. :wink:


I never said you could or should not ask, I just know there ways at this point and was trying to buffer your expectations.


Best anyone outside the dev team knows is that Snapmarks is supposed to be a part of the development road to pass-through. That’s one reason it’s labeled beta software.

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Thanks for your interest in Snapmark - we’re excited about it, too!

The Snapmark feature is still in beta, but you can read more about it in the Glowforge Community topic.

There are a lot of factors that go into setting up testers with this experimental feature. The engineering team is determining each step of the rollout. Unfortunately, I can’t affect that process for you. If we do make it available to everyone, or if your machine is chosen for the rollout during the testing phase, you’ll see the Snapmark icon appear in your Workspace. In the mean time, keep an eye on the community for more information.