Power setting for proofgrade

The design end can take a little getting used to when you are really wanting to do custom work. A little trial and error can go a long ways :slight_smile: and you’ll pick up little tricks to get better and better but results.

Let us know how it turns out!

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Well I now have some unique Monopoly pieces. :wink:

Thankfully I get the acrylic from the 75% off bin from a relatively close plastics company. That specific piece is for testing things.

It was really funny to watch the engraving actually being done as a cut. It goo’ed all together and as it burned the goo away, got a very small blue flame for about a half second (enough fumes created that they reached a flash point).

They names came out well, but the alcohol bottle and skeleton head were interesting. The really small heart was almost lost in the machine.


Hey @PFI-Guy and @jbmanning5,

Thank you both for everything, really appreciate it, I managed to cut one of the costers to a degree I’m pretty happy with! The gradient still isn’t perfect so I took some advice to bump up the contrast and use black instead of the 70% that it currently is)

But now, I’m getting that vague cant print error again but now it happens pretty much right away whereas before it took like 5 min to happen.

The file is an SVG, and I’m like 99% sure i saved it with the same setting i did before.

here is a like to the file on my drive

oh also, a pic!

ended up doing:
1000 speed
80 power
vary power with min 8
675 LPI