I purchased the Premium Membership and am now trying to get the Free Project of the Month and it is trying to charge me. I click on Upgrade to Premium and it takes me to a new screen saying “Welcome to Premium” and then when I add the design to my cart, it still wants me to pay for the file. Any suggestions or am I missing something?
Did you go to the checkout screen? When I “purchased” a free design, at the checkout screen the price was switched to 0.
Sounds like a pretty lame way to do it.
Especially if it’s not communicated to customers that they have to go thru that process.
Not really lame, all business do it, it’s called tracking your sales. It’s a way from them to track their sales regardless of who is purchasing the product and regardless of cost.
If customers who have paid can’t figure it out, and it hasn’t been communicated, I’d say it’s lame.
I think you should you look up the word lame as you are using it. In your context it would mean “not being in the know” which refers to the person being lame not the process. Then again how hard is it to figure out to go through the checkout process when the system says “Add to Cart”
Actually, lame means to be “unable to walk without difficulty”…
Specifically, if a customer has paid for a product and can not use it without difficulty, the implementation is “lame”.
Having to go thru a checkout process for something you’ve already purchased is not intuitive.
The definition actually depends on the use of the word, it also means lacking needful or desirable substance such as the argument that it’s lame you have to checkout to purchase a product even if it’s free…
The subscription service has been purchased not the file.
As I said, not been communicated, and not intuitive, to the average customer.
OK if you say so…
I just tried it on my Premium account as well. The previous Free with Premium designs I got, as well as the 2 previous Designs of the Month that I got , all had the price set to “Free” on the selection page. Now they don’t. So I tried what you suggested, I went all the way through the checkout process up to entering my credit card number and it never changed it to $0.00. There is something wrong with their system.
Huh. I just tried it. I used the link in @dan’s announcement to get there. I had to log in, went through the purchase process, and it changed the price to zero. I still had to go through checkout, but on the part where I would have entered my credit card details it said no payment was necessary, and let me finalize the “purchase.”
Yeah I went through the whole process and it wanted my credit card info…price never changed to 0.
So I get this pop-up
And then I get this…
And then after I add to my cart and go to checkout it looks like this…
It never changes to 0. It was working a week ago when I cut a pair of earrings from the Free Files…
Definitely something wrong with your account. You’ll definitely need GF to chime in.
The price is crossed out for me in the main list of projects and on the product page. And then it shows up in the cart as zero.
As for the “lameness” of the process, if you haven’t done it, it’s ridiculous to comment. It’s easy and straightforward, as well as being extremely common in shopping cart platforms. We haven’t seen a rash of struggles with it, so I think we can see it’s not all that complex.
Hey, try logging out and then logging back in on Glowforge.com. Then go to Catalog and see if that helps.
Logged off and signed back in and nothing changed…still showing the full price.
I understand the checking out process and going through all the steps…I’ve done it in the past with other files…It’s just not working now. Just wasn’t sure if it was an issue with just my account or if there was an issue with the Catalog today
Yeah, you’re not alone. There are other people reporting issues.
(And thank you - that was my point - the process isn’t complicated at all when it’s working properly.)
@mminer26 I’m so sorry about that! I’ve made some changes on my end and you should be able to download the Free With Premium designs the next time you visit app.glowforge.com.
Please let me know if it still trying to charge you and I’ll be happy to work on next steps with you.
I use the word ‘lame’ all the time, too…and I would have to agree with you, here. I just had the same issues trying to get the new design and finally had to email them. It absolutely tell you how you stand early in the process and not have people guessing at the pending outcome.