Preview not in color

I don’t know if this is a feature or a problem.

With the web interface, I used to upload SVG files and see them as color thumbnail/preview images in my pattern library.

Recently, the web interfaces only shows SVG files as black lines (no color). This is disappointing since (1) I use color to distinguish between cut/score/engrave, and (2) I have some patterns that look the same in black-and-white but look different in color.

Is this a new “feature” to the UI? Or is this a bug? (Or am I the only person seeing this?)

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If you’re referring to the thumbnails/previews on the dashboard, yes, they have now changed to be in B&W only.

Any existing designs are fine, but if you open one with colors, the thumbnail is regenerated in B&W.


Good to know that it isn’t just me.

Is this a bug or a feature? (I hope it’s a bug, because I liked the previous feature.)

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Possibly now something only “premium members” get? Everything else seems to be going that way.

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Not the case :man_facepalming: It is a loss for premium members as well, as I have used that data relevant to variations. Two days ago it worked and now it doesn’t :cry:


The colours still show up within the design, but yeah B&W thumbnails. Can you change your file name to include the data the colours gave you?

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In general, I have been using colored fills to define layers in the GFUI so if working in one place the color mat be off or I want to change what is in a particular GFUI group I will change all the pieces to the same color but not a particular color and then with a high transparency so what was a light blue, green, and violet parts might be different ranges of three or maybe four different colors easily noted, they become all solid gray and now you are back to trying to figure out which design it is even. A lot of my stuff just gets named a unique set of numbers I cant even read, relying the image itself to identify it, and color a big part of separating different groups where the image alone may be shades of gray but the image with vectors different colors. Make it all gray and the difference is lost.


Thank you for your patience while our team looked into this. I was able to confirm with the team that this is expected behavior in the app for both Glowforge Premium and Glowforge Print and was part of past updates that were made to improve the thumbnail previews so they more accurately reflect the current contents of the file. I’m sorry for the impact this may have to how you use the design library. I’ve passed along your feedback regarding the loss of the color designations in upload thumbnails.

I’m going to close this thread. If you run into trouble, or have any other questions for our team, please reach out to us at or post a new topic here on the forum and we’ll be happy to help!