Printer head fan flew off while cleaning

I was cleaning printer head fan with air spray can. Flew off and hit me in the eye. Be careful out there!


My new cans of compressed air seem lame compared to previous ones. I must have a bad batch. Well, on a positive note it sure looks clean.


I use compressed air, and hold the fan blade still with my thumb to prevent overspeed.


Yikes!Were you able to put it back together?

Yikes. As @PrintToLaser noted, best to use your thumb to keep it in place–but I avoid air cans as much as I possible, and like a gentle vacuum, as when cleaning many machine parts, compressed air can actually blow stuff further in & end up compacting it where you don’t want it.

Not to say that blown air can’t be great, but just be aware of the direction to ensure it’s getting debris out, and not further in!


Yeah. I will moving forward. This sore eye will remind me haha

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I have no idea where it went. Shot off like a rocket haha


Yeah. Will be more cautious moving forward. So glad I have a backup glowforge!


Thanks for sharing your experience so that we can take care. Many of us do not have a backup Glowforge.

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I’m so sorry to hear about the trouble with the fan! I see you have already emailed us about this and we have been working on it there. So I’m going to close this thread.

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Thank you for your help!