I received my Brand New GF PRO on Friday. 1st Pro had to be sent in after 2 years constant use. Set it up, performed camera alignment and tested. All is good that way. Need to get a couple jobs done requiring pro passthrough. I have used this very successfully many times in the past. Alignment is always perfect, I have no trouble with that.
The problem I’m having now, is that, it is not cutting through with passthrough. I’m using .240 double sided cherry veneer on MDF. I use this all the time without any issues. My cut settings are 150 speed/ full power. When not using passthrough, this cuts perfect, 1 pass. However, when using this exact same setting using passthrough, it only cuts 8-9/10ths through the exact same material. If I decrease the speed, it just chars it more. To me, it seems like a focus issue within the pro passthrough beta itself. Noticed this problem prior to sending my other unit in a few weeks back. Before then, I used it very successfully. Have read other posts about this and know they are most likely working on this.
Have any suggestions for me??
Yes, since the Passthrough is still in Beta, you will want to report it on the Beta thread where you signed up to use it. The engineers will see it there quicker.
(And they need to see it so they can look at your jobs to see what’s going on.)
Thanks Jules
Thanks for the answer @jules, that’s right. I’m going to close this thread.
The new Pro Passthrough feature is in beta and we are still frequently changing the software. Because of this, our team can’t offer email support for this feature right now. You can get help by posting in this thread on our community forum.
Expert users, support team members, and the engineers working on the feature are all reading those postings. You might also find this Tutorial helpful, particularly the list of “Things to watch out for” on the forum – most people find the answer to their problem there.
If you run into trouble with any of the rest of the software, please let us know and we’ll be happy to help!