Pro Passthrough Release

Hi all, I have been playing around with the passthrough beta application and finally got one print to work. I want to mention that on the preview it does not appear aligned, I printed anyways to see and it was actually pretty well aligned. I did notice that the cut was more shallow.
The previous prints I tried did not work, automatic alignment did not work and when I went to manual it turns off the passthrough option. One print I tried had 3 parts and when I tried to manually align it deleted it and just had the third one available. May look into maybe just defaulting the printed or cancelled segments to ignore instead of getting rid of it?

This one is after manually aligning the second segment on a different print as it would not automatically do it, you can see how far off it is

Is anyone experiencing something similar? how am I supposed to manually align when the cut is so far off?

What were the results of your last calibration?

The preview is going to depend completely on that.

Mine is pretty close - about 1mm across most of the bed - but even so, the auto align of the passthrough does a much better job than I can manually. I just accept that and let the machine do its thing.

when it works at all, I find the alignment to be spot on every time.

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The first three pictures show what the alignment looked like on the screen. You can see it is off but the actual cut was pretty good. The last picture is when I used manual alignment, it is way off and trust me it was much closer on the screen.

That doesnā€™t answer the question of what your machine calibration results were. That will determine the accuracy of manual alignment when using passthrough.

I guess Iā€™m not sure what that means. what do you mean by calibration results? That is what it looked like after it finished the automatic alignment

Just outstanding. All the ways people were getting it to work were more than I wanted to try and was waiting for the software to use this. So many ideas in a folder on the computer. Time to give them a look again.

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The camera calibration process on the support pages.


gotcha, did not do thatā€¦ Just got my machine and completely missed that step. Newby, I bet thatā€™ll take care of the alignment problem :roll_eyes:
Now to figure out the restā€¦



Omg just did my first pass through using the beta software! I cut an 18inch ship lap round so my round was cut and my lines were engraved and it worked absolutely perfect. My alignment was a little off on the screen but I decided to try it anyway and Iā€™m glad I did because it is perfect! image|375x500


Worked great for me too! Beautiful alignment. Excited to move on to bigger and better things!


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Just wondering. Why not make it an open beta so all pro owners can try it out? Then you get even more data to see how well it works. I submitted my application a few days ago and really hope to get to try it but I really donā€™t understand why its a application process to be picked to try it. Why not have the only requirement be having a pro? Just thought I would put my 2 cents in. Hopefully I can try it soon.

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From what Iā€™ve seen during the beta testing involving 25 guinea pigs, the feedback from 1000 people would overwhelm the support system. The capability is not yet fool proof.


Thats understandable, I just hope I actually get picked because thatā€™s a big reason why I bought the pro and Iā€™m sure it is for most if not all pro owners.

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(Video attachments are not viewable for most people on this forum.)

Thinking you have a good shot. There wasnā€™t as much testing by the initial 25 as guessing the company hoped. I tried it early on but had more failures than successes. As time went on it got better and better through many iterations, but not everyone has tried the latest, more user friendly version.


I am so frustrated. I have been laid up for the last two weeks and probably another 2-3 weeks without my Glowforge. Crushed hip. All this good news and no way to try it out.


Sorry Thank you!

has anyone had any luck with more than two segments? The software seems to be able to align the first two segments perfectly but it wonā€™t align the third one automatically. tried 2 different projects and end up doing manual