Problem with camera calibration

Hello could someone please help. im trying to preform camera calibration when i clic start process it asks me to select gf but nothing shows up to select. any advice please i am very novice with computers using windows 10 with chrome if that matters thanks.

Can you upload a screenshot of the page that you say is asking you to select the gf? I have had two Glowforges, so when I did the calibration I had to select the machine I was using and I got a page which allowed this selection. Perhaps all you have to do is click on your Glowforge in the right hand corner of the app page.

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I had the same issue with Chrome (on a Mac). Had to run the calibration process on Safari. I’ve had no similar issues with any of the other Glowforge sites and apps.


Oh man! This post may have just saved my sanity. I ran the calibration on Chrome five times and it failed to complete the process every time. I’m going to try it on Safari now. Hopefully it works! If it does, you are my savior! :pray::pray::pray:

I’ll be interested in the outcome. I run everything on Chrome on my Mac Mini, no problems yet.

I’m so sorry you ran into trouble using the Camera Recalibrator. I see you already emailed us about this and I just followed up there, so I’m going to close this topic. Thanks for letting us know about this.