Problems rendering design (text, dashed lines, vector gradient, clip path)

Hi Folks,
I’m designing a custom Monopoly for a kid’s birthday. I grouped all the objects in Inkscape once I was happy with the design. While uploading it to the Glowforge I get a bunch of error messages. Is there a way to get rid of them all at once, or do I need to ungroup and treat individual objects? I’ve made two halves of the board game, attached the upper half and the bunch of messages from the rendering.

Thanks for your opinions,


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What file format are you using for uploading?

Guessing that most of that artwork is engrave and not cut since you said monopoly board, there are 2 easy one step options to try:

A) try saving your file as PDF to upload.


B) make a rasterized copy of your artwork (the engrave parts only) to upload. PNG @ 300 dpi should do nicely.

If those don’t work, you could treat each of those problems without ungrouping in Adobe Illustrator fairly easily but I’m afraid I don’t know if/what the equivalent tools in Inkscape are. I’m sure an Inkscape user will be along shortly tho :slight_smile:


Inkscape groups do nothing in the GFUI. If you want vectors to act as a group, making them the same color will do that. You could make one raster out of several, and clips don’t clip in the GUFI, however, you can copy the clipped area and dump the clip. Only grayscale will be engraved in a variable engrave even if you bring in color so going to grayscale first helps.