Problems with the first cut

I am not sure if anyone can help me. I finally got my glowforge set up, and selected the measuring tool as the first cut. I followed all the instructions to print. I go over to hit the print button that is purple, and the laser head moves, but nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong?

Upon further inspection of the material, there is a slight outline of the measuring tool. I am not sure if there is something I have hooked up wrong or if the laser is just faulty.

Well, the light is not supposed to be purple. (Should be white.) So at this point you might just need to wait to speak to someone from Support about it. They can look at the logs for the machine and sometimes see what’s going on.

Sorry, I know you want to get zapping. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Darn. I did not know that about the light. I do want to get zapping! I have had it since Friday, and I wasn’t able to get all the stuff I need to vent it out the window until this evening. Thanks for letting me know about the color of the light!

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In general the purple light means it is having trouble with the wifi. If you run through the whole wifi setup routine again you might find it solves the problem or at least will give those looking at the logs more info.


Hi @jaydog662000, I see you already emailed us about this issue and we’ve responded to you there, so I’m going to close this topic.