The phone/tablet stand hexagon in the catalog says the aura can make it and the material listed is medium Cherry plywood. When I put medium proof grade plywood in the aura it says it is not acceptable. Why would Glowforge not have settings for this material, when it shows as a material that the aura should cut. Anyone have settings that they have used for medium plywood
Welcome to the forum.
Glowforge recommends that 1/8" plywood not be cut with the Aura because of the filling used. Also, mdf is not recommended for the Aura. You could make this out of 1/8" acrylic, 1/8" hardwood or with some adjustments one of the Proofgrade light plywoods.
Thank you. When I purchased the medium plywood I questioned if it was compatible with the Aura so I reached out to support and was told it was compatible that has led to my confusion as well. I will try light plywood. Thanks again hopefully Glowforge will come up with settings for the medium soon
Unfortunately that’s what’s recommended for the design. A lot of folks won’t be happy with not being able to make the project as listed. But I don’t expect GF is going to go back to every catalog listing for medium PG ply and put in a note that it should be switched to 1/8" non-PG ply or PG acrylic. Just one of the problems that arise when trying to make things span the whole range of machines due to the limitations of the low-end models. Most of the catalog designs were made with the CO2 power & venting capabilities in mind. The new models’ issue with clearing the smoke/residue of MDF wasn’t an issue until GF released them but said they were compatible with the catalog designs for medium PG.
They are probably technically capable to cut those designs with medium PG but only if you made a bunch of operations and cleaned the machine in between each operation so schmutz doesn’t have a chance to build up.