I know, you’re thinking it’s Henry, it will be some snarky anatomical pun on heart since he did cut into a real heart today… But nope (well I did, but that’s not this - although I did leave the title in 2 words to make people wonder).
I stopped off today at Rockler today between my two anatomy sessions, and decided to get some exotic stuff to try something artistic.
I hear you cry: “What, @henryhbk be artistic? That’ll be the day”. I will have you know I have a fine sense of art, and like both kind of dog-poker posters, both velvet and plain!
So I got some really nice purple heart (very purple) and some African orange Padauk including a block of each (for bowl turning, but I intend on inlaying for desk awards) and a short 1x3 board of each to try out on before using the blocks, along with a 1x3 3’ board of really nice walnut for something at some point. I also got a variety pack of exotic and american veneers.
So took a small chunk off the end of the 1x3 to experiment with settings. Just my initials in a scored square.
Score: 85/150
Engrave: Dark 5/300
(note the crack happened when I dropped the little test chunk on the floor). Also note the engrave is at the low-res setting, since this wasn’t a real test for outline quality just a proof of procedure.
which actually came out really nice (there is a fair amount of oil splatter around the engrave) which I would clean if I cared about this piece. But most importantly the depth seemed about right.
Next decided (even though not probably the veneer of choice for looks) to try the proof grade walnut veneer. While I struggled the other day with engraving the veneer, cutting works well.
Yeah, but if you cut something this small (see with penny below) it is virtually impossible to get the adhesive off without tearing up your letter. So the H cross bar tore, the point of the J tore off, but eventually got all the parts in place (and I was using very very fine tweezers and a razor blade to separate the adhesive backing) and peeled off the protective paper. The serifs on the F tore off when it cut (really?) and fell down the grate, so that didn’t happen. But I sort of see how it’s supposed to work. Need a lot more refinement.
The good news is the top is pretty flush and would clean up nicely I think once I finished it (again this is simply test V1.0)
For finishes I got some nice tung oil and some wax for a shine.
All suggestions welcome, especially from any PRUs out there who have inlayed…