Need to play around with the cut holes a bit more in the Gallifreyan…and may try to actually play with the language a bit to get other designs since I think it looks pretty killer (apparently there is actually a whole language key the fans have made that I never knew about!)
I used a dark blue fine tipped sharpie…filled in an area, waited a few seconds for some of the color to seep in, then rubbed with a cloth for the weathered look. I used a tissue, which works, but falls apart after a while (and you need to use a toothbrush to get the lint out of the fine detail). I’d probably suggest using a lint-free cloth you don’t mind staining
Not so much of a stain as a sharpie :). It works surprisingly well on pg small areas if you wait a few seconds after filling it in, and then wipe it with a tissue.
So happy to find Whovians on here:)
My brain’s been turning waiting for my glowforge to come in when they ship. For my wife’s 5th anniversary though I had to improvise without one. This is what I came up with.
Just got back from a vacation on the ocean in our little camper. The wife has decorated the inside completely in a Dr. Who theme. Contrary to what she thinks, after a week it is not bigger on the inside.
@karaelena I love the Tardis and Gallifreyan Necklace. I finally was able to get my wife hooked on Dr Who and now she has actually watched more of it than me. I foresee many cool Whovian items in both hers and my future.
@joshanimated I would love to see the photos! Someday I want to build a little one.