Red Button

Hello, I have a problem. I received the machine this morning, it was wet in the plastic but the cardboard was intact. (view the photo). I wiped everything and left well dried, then I start as indicated everything went well. I launched a simple cutout and the button remains red with the message too hot. Since it is off but when I turn it on the button remains red. help me please.

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I’m guessing there was a significant loss of coolant. Support will be along and help you. Most probably requiring an exchange.
What a disappointment.


I hope because I am very disappointed. (I’m French) sorry for my English

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No need for apology, you speak my language better than I speak yours!
Sorry for the let-down, but they will make it right.

Welcome to the community, and stay safe!


Unfortunately, this has happened occasionally during shipping. As well as they pack these things, there is only so much they can do to protect them on their long journey. To me, it seems that a good bit of the issues are shipping related.

Hopefully they will get you right as rain as soon as possible.


I wiped everything and left well dried, then I start as indicated everything went well. I launched a simple cutout and the button remains red with the message too hot. Since it is off but when I turn it on the button remains red.

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Unfortunately, the liquid cooling system is supposed to stay sealed. Your machine arrived wet, so something must have leaked. In the worst case, it could have a crack. But even if it was just a loose cap on the reservoir, you are missing coolant, so it won’t work correctly.

A few other people have posted about similar problems in the past. I don’t remember ever seeing anything about customers being able to refill it. The machine probably has to be replaced. But we are just guessing while waiting for Glowforge Support to answer you.


Look :frowning: :frowning:

Please unplug the machine now. Do not try to run another job. Support will contact you about what to do next. I am sorry.

Yes, i wait ^^

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Oh no! I’m so sorry for all of the trouble. I see that you’ve emailed us about this as well, so we’ll close this thread and follow up with you in that email.

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