Reizing my Inkscape Design

I’ve purchased a file off Etsy, I import it into inkscape make the necessary changes to the slots and tabs to accommodate the kerf and when I open it in the Glowforge app it resizes it. It doesn’t matter if I save it as and svg or pdf it does the same thing. Can anyone please help me with this. I am getting very frustrated and tired of wasting material.

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There are a lot of things you can do to make that not happen. However, if you know the size it is supposed to be you can highlight that parr and get a percentage difference and simply scale everything to that percentage.

Whatever it is it will be the same for everything. It is so easy that unless there are critical measurements like material thickness I frequently do not scale at all until I am in the GFUI.

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So svgs (scalable vector graphics) tend to scale on import to different programs based on that programs settings. If your file came with a pdf I recommend using that on import to help lock in the scale across programs. Otherwise here is a video I made showing how some scaling can be caused with Inkscape that might help:


Or you can just type the actual dimensions, no need for scaling math

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Indeed. When you have them. I have had circumstances for both.

If you make your art board in Inkscape 20x12, anything you put on that board will remain exactly that size ignoring any other dpi or px listings within the design (AFAIK this doesn’t work with the Aura at 12x12, but I haven’t tried it)

Also, I verify that my settings in Inkscape are set to inches so I know everything will match what I see in my head - if you work in Metric you can do the same.


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