Removing burn marks from non-Glowforge wood

I’m a newbie to Glowforge so maybe I’m late to the party but, just in case. I’ve seen lots of discussion about how to best deal with the issue of burn marks. Proofgrade is awesome but not always the best choice for the job. I juse a lot of 5mm walnut for boxes and such. I’ve found that using a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser pad will wipe away the burn marks in one swipe. I’m sure I’m not the first to discover this but, just in case I thought I’d share.


It’s been discussed many times going back to the beginning, but don’t let that deter you! Most people don’t use the search feature…


Thanks for the share! I’ve used them in the past for char on some projects, but some woods, like baltic birch, for me they just smeared the char around making it look dirty.

I usually mask all my wood with a paper masking, but when i can, to save the masking, i just sand the char off with my orbital sander.


Definitely yes! The other thing you might not have run across is that melamine sponges are exactly the same product as Mr. Clean without the branding, or the price (Eg. 100 pack for < $20)!

They’re also great for applying paint/inks if you need a stamp like application :slight_smile:


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