I found some really beautiful plywood at Lowe’s. I didn’t notice the brand name and I swear that the sign listed it as “FIR” strip plywood or something similar. I went online to find out what it was and I don’t think they had it labeled correctly as it is this revolution ply.
It’s a beautiful cherry color on top and a lighter color on the bottom. Both sides are blemish-free. It cut fine although it did tend to stain from the smoke, so it should be masked. I had a typical few empty pockets here and there, but the glue seem to cut fine. Pretty stuff.
I saw this today at Lowes. Check out Home Depot too. Their underlayment is the same and I think looks nicer. It’s a more cedary look. I liked the way Home Depot looked better.
I have been using that Revolution ply for a bit and am not as happy as I had hoped for. That top and bottom ply are extremely thin and chip easily, and everywhere applied with a red glue that shows right through if the front is sanded. It is also much weaker.
But it is a beautiful look. Lowe’s also has oak and Luan mahogany that I like much better. The Luan is quite variable from ehh to wow, and the best stuff was buried on the bottom. Like the Revolution it is thin overall but the outer plys are thicker and it does not splinter near as much
Yes, I had the exact same issue with it; very thin and a bit brittle. I think I’ll still find uses for it as I think it’s really pretty. I’l look for the luan stuff you’re talking about. IS there a link to it? I’m a visual person and it’s about the best way for me to remember it.
I saw some 4’ x 8’ sheets there once but what I bought this time was the 24" x 48" getting two 20" and the 8" leftovers to cut down as needed in the pro.
However, I am finding the oak plywood to be the bread and butter goto for most things as it is tough, stronger than most, not as bad with the obligatory carp filling that at least can be cut at all if not quite as well.
Unfortunately, it does not cut in a single pass so usually three passes are required, and that is a good chance for the laser to jump a millimeter or more and just ruin the sheet instead of cutting it as it just did now.